It is not always the destination that is of ultimate importance, but the knowledge gained along the way.
All images and videos copyright Ray Grace
7-27-24__10:12am to 1:30pm SUN
Lunt60 DS, PlayerOne Apollo Mini camera
6-24-24_SUN_9:40am_to_12:22pm_ SUN Prominence Loop
Lunt60 DS, PlayerOne Apollo Mini camera
5-25-24__9am_to_5-45pm_ SUN Tornado
Lunt60 DS, PlayerOne Apollo Mini camera
5-15-24__11-50am_to_5-30pm_ SUN
Lunt60 DS, PlayerOne Apollo Mini camera
5-5-24, 11:00am Solar flare
Lunt60 DS, PlayerOne Apollo Mini camera
4-8-24 91% Total Solar Eclipse from Kenosha, WI.
Lunt60 DS, PlayerOne Apollo Mini camera
2-12-24_SUN Solar Flare at 1pm, Lunt60, P1 Sedna camera
10-3-23_SUN_09_30am to 1pm, Lunt60, P1 Sedna camera
8-22-23_SUN_1pm to 5-30pm, Lunt60, P1 Sedna camera
9-2-23--SUN--9am to 1-30pm (Walking Man), Lunt60, P1 Sedna camera.
7-27-23_SUN_08am to 12_15pm. Lunt60, P1 Sedna camera.
7-23-23_SUN_08_45am to 1pm. Lunt60, P1 Sedna camera.
7-23-23_SUN_08_45am to 1pm. Lunt60, P1 Sedna camera.
07-21- 2023, 8am to 1pm SUN edge prominance. Lunt60, P1 Sedna camera.
07-17- 2023, 8am to 12:03pm SUN. Lunt60, P1 Sedna camera.
07-16- 2023, 7:15am to 1:15pm SUN. Lunt60, P1 Sedna camera.
7-15-23--SUN-08_30 to 11_30am camera. Lunt60, P1 Sedna camera.
06-21- 2023, 9:00 am to 12 noon SUN. Lunt60, P1 Sedna camera.
6-20-23_SUN_07_45am to 12 Noon, Lunt60, P1 Sedna camera
06-07- 2023, SUN loop prominence, Lunt 60
06-17- 2023, 8:00 to 11 am SUN, Lunt 60 / P1 Sedna camera