12-15-22 to 2-23-23-- IC2177 Seagull Nebula, SHO narrow band image (SII,Ha,O3 Hubbel color pallet)
from Pleasant Prairie, WI.
NOTE: Object is low in the sky from my location (25 deg above horizon) so image contrast, sharpness, noise are not optimal.
Scope: Borg 90FL @ F3.9 Mount: GEM28
Camera: ASI 6200M / Chroma SII / HA / O3 filters (3nm)
8.3 hr. Imaging time.
11-25-22 to 2-13-23 , M42 Orion + NGC1977 Running Man Nebulas, RGB image, taken from Pleasant Prairie, Wi.
Scope: Borg 90FL @F7.8 Mount: GEM45G
Camera: ASI2600M , filters: Chroma RGB
Time: 3.2 hr.
11-25-22 to 2-13-23 , M42 Orion + NGC1977 Running Man Nebulas, SHO (Hubble color pallet) image.
7-21-23 NGC 6960 Cygnus Loop supernova remanent. Sulpher, Hydrogen, Oxygen image in Hubble color pallet.
Comprises the Veil nebula (top), Pickerings Triangle nebula (middle), and Cirrus nebula (bottom). Taken from Pleasant Prairie, WI.
Scope: Borg 72FL @F3.6 Mount: GEM45G
Camera: ASI2600M , filters: Chroma RGB, Ha,SII,O3 (3nm) narrow band filters
Time: 2.8 hr.
7-30-23 NGC6960 - Veil Nebula-HaO3 +RGB. Taken from Pleasant Prairie, WI.
Scope: Borg 107FL @F6 Mount: GEM45G. Camera: ASI2600M , filters: Chroma RGB, Ha,O3 (3nm) narrow band filters
Imaging Time: 2.7 hr.
Same image as above but SHO narrowband in Hubbel pallet colors.
Imaging time = 2.3 hrs.
7-21-23 SH2-131 (a.k.a vdb 142) Elephant Trunk Nebula. Sulpher, Hydrogen, Oxygen (SHO) image in Hubble color pallet. Taken from Pleasant Prairie, WI.
Scope: Borg 107FL @F6 Mount: GEM45G
Camera: PlayerOne Poseidon M , filters: Chroma RGB, Ha,SII,O3 (3nm) narrow band filters
Time: 5.75 hr.
9-4-23 NGC 7380 (a.k.a SH2-142) Wizard Nebula. Sulpher, Hydrogen, Oxygen (SHO) image in Hubble color pallet with RGB stars.
Taken from Pleasant Prairie, WI.
Scope: Borg 107FL @F6 Mount: GEM45G. Camera: PlayerOne Poseidon M , filters: Chroma RGB, Ha,SII,O3 (3nm) narrow band filters
Time: 12.5 hr.
10-23-23 SH2-171 Core
Sulpher, Hydrogen, Oxygen (SHO) image in Hubble color pallet with RGB stars.
Taken from Pleasant Prairie, WI.
Scope: Borg 107FL @F6 Mount: GEM45G
Camera: PlayerOne Poseidon M , filters: Chroma RGB, Ha,SII,O3 (3nm) narrow band filters
Time: 19 hr.
11-4 to 11-15-23 SH2-184 PacMan nebula core. Sulpher, Hydrogen, Oxygen (SHO) image in Hubble color pallet with RGB stars.
Taken from Pleasant Prairie, WI.
Scope: Borg 107FL @F6 Mount: GEM45G
Camera: PlayerOne Poseidon M , filters: Chroma RGB, Ha,SII,O3 (3nm) narrow band filters
Total time: 19.35 hr.
10-16 to 11-18-23 SH2-206 The object is faint with a bright core. Sulpher, Hydrogen, Oxygen (SHO) image in Hubble color pallet with RGB stars.
Taken from Pleasant Prairie, WI.
Scope: Borg 107FL @F6 Mount: GEM45G
Camera: PlayerOne Poseidon M , filters: Chroma RGB, Ha,SII,O3 (3nm) narrow band filters
Total time: 23.4 hr.
11-18-23 Pleiades (M45) RGB image. Taken from Pleasant Prairie, WI.
Scope: Borg 107FL @F6 Mount: GEM45G
Camera: PlayerOne Poseidon M , filters: Chroma RGB filters
Total time: 1.6 hr.
12-14-23 M78 reflection nebula, RGB color. Taken from Pleasant Prairie, WI.
This object was first taken in 2008 with a Canon DSLR camera from my dark sky observatory. However the original image could have used more exposure time. This object is faint and benefits from a dark sky location but can be observed from a city if enough light is gathered.
Scope: Borg 107FL @F6 Mount: GEM45G
Camera: PlayerOne Poseidon M , filters: Chroma RGB filters
Total exposure time: 15.2 hr.
12-7to14-23 IC 1848 (a.k.a. SH2-199) Soul nebula, SHO Hubble color pallet. Taken from Pleasant Prairie, WI.
Scope: Borg 90FL @F3.6 Mount: GEM28
Camera: ASI 2600M pro , filters: Chroma RGB, Ha,SII,O3 (3nm) narrow band filters
Exposure Time: 12.2 hr.
11-29 to 12-18-23 SH2-199 closeup view, SHO image in the Hubble pallet w/RGB stars. Taken from Pleasant Prairie, WI.
Scope: Borg 107FL @F6 Mount: GEM45G
Camera: PlayerOne Poseidon M , filters: Chroma Ha,O3,SII (3nm), RGB filters.
Total image exposure time: 18 hr.
11-12to12-14-23--IC443 Jellyfish nebula. SHO Hubble color pallet w/RGB stars. Taken from Pleasant Prairie, WI.
This is a SHO narrow band image of the Jellyfish image taken in 2021
Scope: Borg 90FL @F3.6 Mount: GEM28
Camera: ASI 2600M pro , filters: Chroma RGB, Ha,SII,O3 (3nm) narrow band filters
Exposure Time: 27.2 hr.
Cropped image from above to show the detail structure of the nebula including the dark structures.